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Institutional Scholarships

Great Falls College MSU has a general scholarship application for most institutional scholarships. The deadline for this application is the middle of February for the next academic year. Applications are posted on the Financial Aid Scholarship web page.

Montana University System Honor Scholarship

Recipients of the Honor Scholarship are selected by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education and will receive a waiver of tuition for fall and spring semester. Recipients must submit to the Financial Aid Office a copy of their Honor Scholarship notification from the Commissioner’s Office upon receipt. More information about MUS scholarships, as well as application forms, can be found at the MUS website.

Honor Scholarship for National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists

Tuition is waived for National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists from Montana. This scholarship tuition is valid through the first two semesters of enrollment, exclusive of any credits earned prior to high school graduation.

Scholarship Searches

Graduating high school seniors should consult their high school counselors for assistance in scholarship searches. Many high schools offer good scholarship services for little or no charge. The Financial Aid Office posts scholarship information and deadlines on the Financial Aid website as information becomes available. Students should periodically check the Financial Aid Scholarship page for updated information. There are many FREE scholarship searches available online as well.