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Dropping/Withdrawal from Courses

Students may drop one or more courses on Banner Web/My Info with no grade up to the end of the 15th day of fall and spring semesters. This deadline is prorated for the summer term(s). Tuition and fees are adjusted accordingly. See the Institutional Tuition and Fees policy for further information.

Although no refund will be given for withdrawals after the 15th day of fall and spring semesters (this deadline is prorated for the summer term(s)), students may continue to drop one or more courses with a grade of “W” prior to the end of the published deadline in the Academic Calendar. The following steps must be completed in order to drop a course after the 15th day of the fall and spring semesters (this deadline is prorated for the summer term(s)).

  1. If you are considering dropping all of your courses (considered a complete withdrawal) you must first contact your advisor. Otherwise, proceed to step 2.
  2. If you are dropping one or more courses, but not all of your courses:
    1. First contact the instructor for each course you are considering dropping. The purpose of meeting with your instructor is not to obtain permission to drop, but to have a meaningful conversation about your progress in the course and whether or not dropping is the best option.
    2. If, after communicating with the instructor, you have decided not to drop the course, no further action is necessary.
    3. If, after communicating with the instructor, you have decided to drop the course:
      1. Obtain a Drop Card from the instructor for each course and have the instructor sign it. Then, meet with your advisor for a review of your academic plan and to obtain their signature.
      2. If you are unable to meet personally with your instructor, you must contact them by other means (phone, email, D2L, etc.). Obtain a Drop Card for each course from the instructor or advisor and attach documentation of your communication with the instructor. Then, meet with your advisor for a review of your academic plan and to obtain their signature.
      3. Students without an assigned advisor at Great Falls College MSU (excluding high school dual enrollment students) must contact the Advising & Career Center for assistance after contacting the instructor.

Students may not drop all of their courses online in Banner Web/My Info. They must contact the College to complete the appropriate Withdrawal paperwork. Tuition and fees are adjusted accordingly for total withdrawals up to the end of the 15th day of fall and spring semesters. This deadline is prorated for the summer term(s). See the Institutional Tuition and Fees policy for further information.