All provisions within this catalog are subject to change without notice. If you have questions or comments, please contact


Great Falls College MSU students follow the catalog in effect when they began their enrollment at the College as long, as that enrollment has been consecutive, or may elect to follow any subsequent catalog. If a student is absent for one or more semesters (excluding summer), the catalog in effect at the time of re-admission governs the student’s graduation requirements. Students must pass all required courses and have an overall/cumulative grade point average of 2.0 to graduate from Great Falls College MSU.

Some GFC MSU programs have specific requirements for matriculation and graduation. Students are informed of other specific program policies and requirements at the time of their program application, orientation, and throughout their educational experience.

Courses that require a grade of C- or above are designated for each program in the program section of this catalog.

A student must submit a formal application for graduation by the published term deadline. Applications can be obtained from Student Central or online.

Application deadlines are published in this catalog and on the Academic Calendar located on the College’s website. Students who fail to submit an application for graduation will not receive a certificate/degree.

Students will be awarded a certificate/degree upon satisfactory completion of all program requirements, provided that 25% of the coursework required in the degree program has been completed at GFC MSU.

The commencement ceremony is held each May, at the conclusion of the spring semester. Caps and gowns can be purchased through the Bookstore for a fee. Graduation announcements are also available for purchase through the Bookstore. More information can be found here:

Replacement Diplomas can be found here.

Posthumous Degrees

In exceptional circumstances, GFC MSU may award degrees posthumously.