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Academic Success and Accessibility
All students attending Great Falls College Montana State University are entitled to equal access to academic programs, services, student activities, and campus events. Students with disabilities have a right to reasonable accommodations in order to fully participate in the student experience. Students with disabilities are encouraged to advocate for themselves to the extent possible. Academic Success and Accessibility provides support and assistance in determining what accommodations are best suited to each individual.
Great Falls College MSU uses the definition of disability set forth by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which states that a disabled person is anyone who:
- Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities;
- Has a record of such an impairment;
- Is regarded as having such an impairment.
Students needing accommodations must apply for services through Academic Success and Accessibility, located in the Weaver Library, and be determined eligible by meeting all of the following criteria:
- Have a permanent or long-term medical or psychological condition which significantly impairs the student’s ability to function in an academic setting;
- Provide Academic Success and Accessibility with current documentation of disability from a qualified professional; this documentation will be kept confidential in accordance with the Academic Success and Accessibility Confidentiality Policy;
- Be “otherwise qualified” for the chosen course of study and able to meet the behavioral standards set forth in the College’s Student Conduct Code.
Unlike high school, educational accommodations at the postsecondary level are student initiated. Each student who chooses to seek accommodations must meet with the Academic Success and Accessibility Director. Together they will determine what accommodations to request based on the student's limitations and the demands of the course. The medical, psychiatric, and/or psychological documentation provided by students is kept in confidential files in Academic Success and Accessibility. Depending on the student, available accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
- Extended test time
- Distraction-reduced testing environment
- Various other test accommodations
- Adaptive computer equipment and software
- Notetakers
- Tutors
- Interpreter services
- Ergonomic equipment
- Preferential classroom seating
- Tape recording lectures
- Materials in alternate format
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Academic Success and Accessibility upon enrollment and should visit with the Director each semester to determine accommodation needs for each class.
Building accessibility includes designated parking, curb cuts, automatic doors at the north, south and east entrances, ramp and elevator access to the second floor, accessible restrooms, Braille signage, and ramp access to theatre-style classrooms.
For more information, please contact Academic Success and Accessibility at (406) 771-4311.