All provisions within this catalog are subject to change without notice. If you have questions or comments, please contact
Montana University System Core
Program Website
The MUS Core is offered both online and onsite.
In our world of rapid economic, social, and technological change, students need a strong and broadly-based education. General education helps students achieve the intellectual integration and awareness they need to meet challenges in their personal, social, political, and professional lives. General education courses introduce great ideas and controversies in human thought and experience. A solid general education provides a strong foundation for the life-long learning that makes career goals attainable. The breadth, perspective, and rigor provided by the core curriculum helps students become educated people.
Great Falls College Montana State University’s General Education Core reflects the Montana University System’s General Education Core. As students work on the Montana University System General Education Core, they should attempt to select classes that are also required in their major. That efficient use of coursework could help students complete their degrees more quickly, since the classes could be used to satisfy both the requirements of the major and the requirements of the MUS General Education Core.
Upon completion of the 31 credits required in the core, students are eligible to receive a Certificate in General Studies from Great Falls College MSU. The Certificate recognizes the completion of the core and is approved by the Montana University System Board of Regents. Students may use the Certificate to demonstrate completion of the core when transferring within the MUS or as a milestone to earning an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree at Great Falls College MSU.
Graduates are prepared to:
Communication (Written and Oral)
Written Communication
- use writing as a means to engage in critical inquiry by exploring ideas, challenging assumptions, and reflecting on and applying the writing process;
- formulate and support assertions with evidence appropriate to the issues, positions taken, and audiences;
- use documentation appropriately and demonstrate an understanding of the logic of citation systems;
- give and receive feedback on written texts;
- read texts thoughtfully, analytically, and critically in preparation for writing tasks
Oral Communication
- use oral communication as a means to engage in critical inquiry by exploring ideas, challenging assumptions, and reflecting on and applying the oral communications process;
- demonstrate multiple flexible strategies for inventing, drafting, and editing oral presentations;
- deliver thoughtful oral presentations with clarity, accuracy, and fluency;
- listen actively in a variety of situations and speak effectively about their ideas;
- adapt content and mode of presentation to fit a given audience and medium;
- give and receive feedback on oral presentations
- apply the acquired skills to other courses;
- reason analytically and quantitatively;
- think critically and independently about mathematical situations;
- understand the quantitative aspects of current events;
- make informed decisions that involve interpreting quantitative information;
- make informed decisions about their personal and professional lives
Humanities/Fine Arts
- explore the human search for meaning and value in one or more time period(s) and cultures;
- recognize, interpret, and respect concepts of values and beliefs in a global society;
- communicate, in writing and in speech, thoughtful and critical assessments of multiple value systems;
- construct and articulate a set of beliefs and values;
- utilize respectful inquiry to understand global concepts, values, and beliefs;
- incorporate humanities perspectives in other areas of study
Fine Arts
- demonstrate the processes and proficiencies involved with creating and/or interpreting creative works;
- reflect upon, analyze, and articulate their personal responses to artistic works and the processes involved in creating them;
- demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of artistic expressions in various past and present cultures;
- connect periods and expressions of art to changes in societies and cultures
Natural Science
- identify and solve problems using methods of the discipline;
- use logical skills to make judgments;
- demonstrate thinking, comprehension, and expression of subject matter;
- communicate effectively using scientific terminology;
- use quantitative skills to solve problems;
- integrate through analysis;
- demonstrate the relationship between actions and consequences;
- discuss the role of science in the development of modern technological civilization
Social Sciences/History
Social Sciences
- analyze how institutions and traditions develop, evolve, and shape the lives of individuals, social and cultural groups, societies, and nations;
- analyze human behavior, ideas, and social institutions for historical and cultural meaning and significance;
- gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions from multiple hypotheses to understand human behavior;
- synthesize ideas and information with regard to historical causes, the course of events, and their consequences, separated by time and place;
- use factual and interpretive data to support hypotheses based upon appropriate inquiry methodology
- analyze historical phenomena in appropriate context;
- weigh and interpret the evidence available to them and present a narrative argument supported by historical evidence;
- recognize the distinction between primary and secondary sources, and understand how each are used to make historical claims;
- recognize and interpret multiple forms of evidence (visual, oral, statistical and material, and print);
- understand the historical construction of differences and similarities among peoples within and across groups, regions, and nations;
- interpret other societies in comparative context and one’s own society in the context of other societies
Cultural Diversity
- demonstrate an awareness of the centrality of cultural diversity to their own and other human societies;
- demonstrate an awareness of the negative impacts upon cultural diversity of economic, social, and other forms of institutional and interpersonal discrimination;
- demonstrate competence and effectiveness in interacting with culturally diverse people by understanding cross- and inter-cultural interaction and communication;
- demonstrate the ability to advocate for non-discriminatory policies and behaviors on their own behalf and on behalf of others, including peers, clients, and colleagues
Cultural Heritage of American Indians
Courses include significant content related to the cultural heritage of American Indians.
Estimated Resident Program Cost*
Item | Cost |
Tuition and Fees | $4,028 |
Lab Fees | $85 |
Books | $2,054 |
Total | $6,167 |
- *
Fall 2024 MUS Student Health Insurance Premiums may be changing. Please check the Health Insurance website and/or Student Central for confirmed premium rates.
Many students need preliminary math, science, and writing courses before enrolling in the program requirements. These courses may increase the total number of program credits. Students should review their math and writing placement before planning out their full program schedules.
As students work on the MUS General Education Core, they should attempt to elect classes that are required in their major. That efficient use of coursework could help students complete their degree more quickly, since the classes could be used to satisfy both the requirements of the major and the requirements of the MUS General Education Core.
Transfer students should consult with the intended receiving institution to determine whether or not additional core courses may be required to satisfy that institution's General Education Core.
Offered Online And On Campus
Montana University System Core Courses
Communication - 6 Credits (3 credits written, 3 credits verbal)
Code | Title | Credits |
Written | ||
WRIT 101 | College Writing I **,+ | 3 |
Verbal | ||
COMX 111 | Introduction to Public Speaking + | 3 |
COMX 115 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication + | 3 |
Mathematics - 3 Credits
Code | Title | Credits |
M 105 | Contemporary Mathematics **,+ | 3 |
M 121 | College Algebra **,+ | 3 |
M 140 | College Math for Healthcare **, + | 3 |
M 151 | Precalculus **,+ | 4 |
M 171 | Calculus I **,+ | 4 |
M 172 | Calculus II *,+ | 4 |
M 273 | Multivariable Calculus *,+ | 4 |
STAT 216 | Introduction to Statistics **,+ | 4 |
Humanities/Fine Arts - 6 Credits
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
BGEN 220 | Business Ethics and Social Responsibility + | 3 |
CRWR 240 | Introduction Creative Writing Workshop + | 3 |
LIT 110 | Introduction to Literature + | 3 |
LIT 270 | Film and Literature **,+ | 3 |
LIT 285 | Mythologies (Can only be counted for Humanities OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
LSH 201 | Introduction to the Humanities + | 3 |
PHL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy + | 3 |
NASX 240 | Native American Literature (=340) ((N) Can only be counted for Humanities OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
PHL 110 | Introduction to Ethics + | 3 |
WGSS 242 | Gender and Equality + | 3 |
Fine Arts | ||
ARTH 160 | Global Visual Culture + | 3 |
ARTZ 101 | Art Fundamentals + | 3 |
ARTZ 105 | Visual Language-Drawing + | 3 |
ARTZ 106 | Visual Language -2-D Foundations + | 3 |
ARTZ 224 | Watercolor I + | 3 |
MUSI 101 | Enjoyment of Music + | 3 |
MUSI 103 | Fundamentals of Musical Creation + | 3 |
MUSI 203 | American Popular Music + | 3 |
MUSI 207 | World Music (= to 307) + | 3 |
PHOT 154 | Exploring Digital Photography + | 3 |
Natural Science - 7 Credits (Must include 1 lab course)
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOB 101 | Discover Biology w/ Lab + | 4 |
BIOB 160 | Principles of Living Systems w/ Lab *,+ | 4 |
BIOB 170 | Principles of Biological Diversity w/ Lab *,+ | 4 |
BIOH 104 | Basic Human Biology w/ Lab + | 4 |
BIOH 108 | Basic Anatomy + | 4 |
BIOH 112 | Human Form and Function I + | 4 |
CHMY 101 | Discover Chemistry **,+ | 3 |
CHMY 121 | Intro to General Chem w/Lab **,+ | 4 |
CHMY 141 | College Chemistry I w/Lab **,+ | 4 |
CHMY 143 | College Chemistry II w/Lab *,+ | 4 |
GEO 101 | Introduction to Physical Geology w/Lab + | 4 |
NUTR 221 | Basic Human Nutrition + | 3 |
PHSX 105 | Fundamentals of Physical Science w/Lab + | 4 |
PHSX 205 | College Physics I w/Lab **,+ | 4 |
PHSX 220 | Physics I w/Lab **,+ | 4 |
Social Sciences/History - 6 Credits
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Sciences | ||
ANTY 101 | Anthropology and the Human Experience (Can only be counted for Social Sciences OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
BGEN 105 | Introduction to Business + | 3 |
CJUS 121 | Introduction to Criminal Justice + | 3 |
ECNS 201 | Principles of Microeconomics + | 3 |
ECNS 202 | Principles of Macroeconomics + | 3 |
PSCI 210 | Introduction to American Government + | 3 |
PSYX 100 | Introduction to Psychology + | 3 |
PSYX 230 | Developmental Psychology + | 3 |
PSYX 240 | Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology *,+ | 3 |
SOCI 101 | Introduction to Sociology + | 3 |
History | ||
HSTA 101 | American History I (N) + | 3 |
HSTA 102 | American History II (N) + | 3 |
HSTA 255 | Montana History (N) + | 3 |
HSTR 160 | Modern World History + | 3 |
NASX 105 | Introduction to Native American Studies ((N) Can only be counted for History OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
Cultural Diversity - 3 Credits
Code | Title | Credits |
ANTY 101 | Anthropology and the Human Experience (Can only be counted for Social Sciences OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
CAS 140 | Addictions and Diversity (N) + | 3 |
LIT 285 | Mythologies (Can only be counted for Humanities OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
NASX 105 | Introduction to Native American Studies ((N) Can only be counted for History OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
NASX 204 | Introduction to Native American Beliefs and Philosophy (N) + | 3 |
NASX 232 | Montana Indians: Cultures, Histories, Current Issues (= to 332) (N) + | 3 |
NASX 240 | Native American Literature (=340) ((N) Can only be counted for Humanities OR Cultural Diversity) + | 3 |
SIGN 101 | Introduction to American Sign Language + | 3 |
SPNS 101 | Elementary Spanish I + | 4 |
SPNS 102 | Elementary Spanish II *,+ | 4 |
Cultural Heritage of American Indians - 3 Credits
Courses with an “N” behind the course title will fulfill the Cultural Heritage of American Indians requirement as well as a designated core area requirement.+
Total Credits - 31
- +
A grade of C- or above is required for graduation.
- *
Indicates prerequisite needed.
- **
Placement in courses(s) is determined by placement assessment.