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Biology: Human (BIOH)

BIOH 104 Basic Human Biology w/ Lab

Credits: 4 (3 Lecture, 1 Lab)

Term: (F, S)

Core Class: Natural Science

This course introduces students to the structure and function of the human body. Topics such as the fundamental principles in organic and inorganic chemistry, cellular metabolism, cellular anatomy, cellular biology and histology will be covered and subsequently applied to the physiology of the body as whole. Organ systems to be covered in this course include cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, urinary, digestive, and immune. Strongly recommended prior to taking this course: M 065 or M 088 or higher, and co-enrollment in the WRIT 101 corequisite or WRIT 101, or qualifying placement score within the past 5 years.

BIOH 108 Basic Anatomy

Credits: 4

Term: (F, S, Su based on sufficient demand)

Core Class: Natural Science

This course provides an introduction to human anatomy and basic physiology. Included are fundamental overviews of: biology, chemistry processes as they pertain to the human body. This course serves as a primer for students who are seeking to develop a foundational understanding of the objectives prior to enrolling in Anatomy and Physiology I & II (i.e. BIOH 201 and BIOH 211). Strongly recommended prior to taking this course: M 065 or M 088 or higher, and co-enrollment in WRIT 101, or qualifying placement score within the past 10 years.

BIOH 112 Human Form and Function I

Credits: 4 (Lecture only, no Lab)

Term: (F, Su)

Core Class: Natural Science

This course is the first in an online, two-course sequence for non-clinical health majors that provides a comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The course will take a systemic approach covering all body systems. Topics will include structure, function, and interrelationships of organ systems. The course will provide a foundation for students entering non-clinical health careers.

BIOH 113 Human Form and Function II

Credits: 3 (Lecture only, no Lab)

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: BIOH 104 or BIOH 112

This course is the second in a two-course sequence for non-clinical health majors. The course will build on the topics explored in the first semester. Body systems will be covered in greater depth, and the focus will be on the interrelationships between systems. In addition to structure and function, an emphasis will be placed on the body processes that maintain homeostasis. The course will take a problem-based approach, allowing students to use critical thinking skills and apply knowledge from both semesters.

BIOH 201 Human Anatomy Phys I w/ Lab (= 301)

Credits: 4 (3 Lecture, 1 Lab)

Term: (F, S, Su based on sufficient demand)

Prerequisite: *A grade of C- or better in either BIOH 104 or BIOH 108 or BIOH 112 or BIOB 160 within the past 5 years; or a grade of C- or better in a full year High School Advanced Placement Biology course within the past 5 years; or a qualifying biology placement score with the past 3 years.

This course is an integrated study of the human body in which the histology, anatomy, and physiology of each system is covered. The first part of this two semester course sequence incorporates molecular, cellular, and tissue level of organization for the integumentary, skeletal with articulations, muscular, and nervous systems. Strongly recommended prior to taking this course: M 088 or higher or a qualifying placement score within the past 5 years; and co-enrollment in WRIT 101 or a qualifying placement score within the past 10 years, and completion of CHMY 121, Intro to Gen Chemistry/Lab and AHMS 144 Medical Terminology prior to enrolling in course.

BIOH 211 Human Anatomy Phys II w/ Lab (=311)

Credits: 4 (3 Lecture, 1 Lab)

Term: (F, S, Su based on sufficient demand)

Prerequisite: BIOH 201 with a grade of C- or higher

This course is an integrated study of the human body in which the histology, anatomy, and physiology of each system are covered. The second part of this two semester course sequence involves the study of the following systems: endocrine, cardiovascular with hematology, lymphatic with immunology, respiratory, urinary (with water, electrolyte, and acid base balance), digestive with nutrition, and reproductive systems.