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Psychology (PSYX)

PSYX 100 Introduction to Psychology

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S, Su)

Core Class: Social Sciences

This course is an introduction to the nature and scope of the field of psychology as a scientific and human endeavor. Major topics include: historic development of the field; biological and developmental processes; consciousness and perceptions; learning, remembering, and thinking; motivation and emotion; personality and individuality; social behavior; normal stress and coping; and abnormal psychology and treatment methods.

PSYX 150 Drugs and Society

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S based on sufficient demand)

This course is a study of substance use and abuse in society, relative to controlled substances in general, and to specific classes of drugs as well. Personal and societal attitudes and responses toward the drug phenomenon are explored.

PSYX 230 Developmental Psychology

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S, Su)

Core Class: Social Sciences

This course presents the study of human development throughout the lifespan. Study will include: the three domains of development (physical, cognitive and psychosocial); major theories; the influence of genetics; and prenatal development. The overall framework of the course is chronological dividing the lifespan into seven parts: infancy; early childhood; middle childhood; adolescence; early adulthood; middle adulthood; and late adulthood. This organization emphasizes the whole person and assists students to appreciate the ways in which the three domains of development continuously interact.

PSYX 240 Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S)

Prerequisite: PSYX 100

Core Class: Social Sciences

This course is an introduction to the scientific study of abnormal behavior to try to describe, predict, and explain psychopathology. Topics will include classification schemes, the major disorders, and appropriate therapies.

PSYX 260 Fundamentals of Social Psychology

Credits: 3

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: PSYX 100

The study of human behaviors as social beings, and how social situations affect individual behavior is the basis of this course. Topics include aggression, prejudice, conformity, communications, and a variety of social experiences.