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Philosophy (PHL)

PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S, Su based on sufficient demand)

Core Class: Humanities

An introduction to philosophy through examination of the thought of selected great philosophers or of traditional positions on classical philosophical problems.

PHL 110 Introduction to Ethics

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S, Su based on sufficient demand)

Core Class: Humanities

This course introduces ethical theory through an examination of the major schools and the fundamentals of decision-making. It examines general moral theory and applies this theory to moral problems of historical and current interest.

PHL 221 Introduction to Philosophy and Biomedical Ethics

Credits: 3

Term: (S)

This course provides a broad overview of the field of biomedical ethics. Topics discussed will include issues such as death and dying, human and animal experimentation, abortion, confidentiality, AIDS, the allocation of medical resources, as well as an examination of the codes of ethics of various health professions.