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History: American (HSTA)

HSTA 101 American History I

Credits: 3

Term: (F, Su based on sufficient demand)

Core Class: History

This course surveys the history of the United States from the era of discovery to the Colonial Period and through the Civil War. Topics include the political, social, economic, cultural, and diplomatic developments that contributed to the formation of the North American civilization and to the position of the United States in the world’s community of nations.

HSTA 102 American History II

Credits: 3

Term: (S, Su based on sufficient demand)

Core Class: History

This course is a survey of American history since the Civil War. The focus of the course will be on why events happened and what meaning they had for today’s United States. The role of individuals and groups will be as important as the functioning of the more depersonalized economic and political forces of history. Themes of urbanization, industrialization and ethnicity will be emphasized. This course will stress social history as well as traditional political history.

HSTA 255 Montana History

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S, Su)

Core Class: History

This course is a study of the major political, social, cultural and economic developments that have contributed to the formation of Montana and to Montana’s place within the region, the nation, and the world, from prehistoric times to the present.