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Music (MUSI)

MUSI 101 Enjoyment of Music

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S)

Core Class: Fine Arts

This course is a comprehensive introduction to the theory, history, and literature of music of Western Civilization. The course examines musical styles through several time periods and is designed to develop the students’ aural acuity as well as their intellectual understanding of music as an important contribution to Western culture.

MUSI 103 Fundamentals of Musical Creation

Credits: 3

Term: (F)

Core Class: Fine Arts

Designed for the student with little or no musical background, this course introduces the fundamental elements of music reading and notation, including note and rhythmic reading, scales, intervals, and chords.

MUSI 105 Music Theory I

Credits: 3

Term: (Based upon sufficient demand)

Corequisite: MUSI 140

This is a course that teaches the fundamentals of music theory (meter, note values, rests, intervals, major scales, circle of fifths, chord construction, minor scales, basic harmonic progression, whole-tone scales and modes).

MUSI 140 Aural Perception I

Credits: 2

Term: (Based upon sufficient demand)

Corequisite: MUSI 105

This course builds aural skills through the use of singing and dictation to supplement MUSI 105.

MUSI 203 American Popular Music

Credits: 3

Term: (S even years, Su odd years)

Core Class: Fine Arts

This course will survey musical idioms, styles and trends developed in the United States from 1492 to the present. Included are folk, sacred, country and western, blues, pop, rock and roll, jazz, and fine art music.

MUSI 207 World Music (= to 307)

Credits: 3

Term: (S odd years, Su even years)

Core Class: Fine Arts

World Music introduces the music of varied cultures of the world by presenting the music within its historical and societal contexts. The course includes topics and musical surveys from Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe.