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Native American Studies (NASX)

NASX 105 Introduction to Native American Studies

Credits: 3

Term: (F, S, Su)

Core Class: Cultural Diversity OR History

A survey of traditional and contemporary American Indian cultures, the historical development of the unique relationship between the federal government and Indian nations, and current issues among Indian peoples.

NASX 204 Introduction to Native American Beliefs and Philosophy

Credits: 3

Term: (F based on sufficient demand, S, Su)

Core Class: Cultural Diversity

This course will examine, explore, and describe selected Native American religious systems focusing on origins, world views, religious beliefs, traditions and ceremonies, sacred songs and dance, and the way they have been affected by western civilization. A major focus will be on the Northern Plains People.

NASX 232 Montana Indians: Cultures, Histories, Current Issues (= to 332)

Credits: 3

Term: (S)

Core Class: Cultural Diversity

This course focuses on the interactions of Montana’s American Indians in socioeconomic structures based on historical and current perspectives including cultural world views, religion, reservations, treaties, vested rights, sovereignty, contemporary tribal governments, and socioeconomic problems.

NASX 240 Native American Literature (=340)

Credits: 3

Term: (S)

Core Class: Cultural Diversity or Humanities

This course will explore selected works by Indigenous writers. Emphasis is placed on works authored after the Native American literary Renaissance. A minimum of three genres and three culture areas will be covered.