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Veterinary Technology (VET)

VET 101 Veterinary Medical Terminology

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Office program.

This course is designed to provide students with the foundation in the language of veterinary medicine, focusing on prefixes, suffixes, word roots and their combining forms.

VET 111 Veterinary Nursing I

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Office program.

An entry-level course designed to introduce students to basic nursing skills utilized by veterinary technicians and to act as a foundation of learning for subsequent nursing technique courses.

VET 113 Veterinary Nursing II

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Upon completion of this intermediate level course, students will practice various nursing techniques such as obtaining patient history, obtaining nutrition plans, medication administration, and sample collection.

VET 115 Veterinary Nursing Clinical I

Credits: 1

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

A summative course designed to equip students with the knowledge of animal husbandry and nursing skills per AVMA-CVTEA standards relevant to veterinary medicine.

VET 121 Animal Disease I

Credits: 3

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the first semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

This entry-level course provides an introduction to basic mammalian diseases. There is a focus on canine and feline safety, diseases and disease development, common microorganisms found in canines and felines, infections diseases, immunology, and vaccinations.

VET 123 Animal Diseases II

Credits: 3

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Animal Diseases II is the final course in the Animal Diseases series. Animal Diseases II will continue with a foundational knowledge of diseases and disease processes that began in Animal Diseases I.

VET 131 Veterinary Pharmacology I

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This entry-level course covers the fundamental concepts of pharmacology, including pharmacy procedures, pharmaceutical calculations, major drug classifications, pharmacological chemistry, and relevant federal and state regulations.

VET 141 Veterinary Office Procedures I

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Office program.

This course provides an overview of veterinary office procedures and practice. It focuses on computer skills, managing patient records, legalities within veterinary offices, and appropriate interpersonal and public relations skills. This is an entry level course designed to introduce learners to veterinary medicine as a business and profession.

VET 143 Veterinary Office Procedures II

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Office program.

This course introduces the learner to common veterinary office business operations. It focuses on inventory control, sanitation methods, keeping medical records, patient communication strategies, research, and creating a healthy work environment. The topics covered build on the knowledge and skills introduced in Veterinary Office Procedures I.

VET 151 Veterinary Anesthesia & Surgical Nursing I

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgical Assisting I is an entry-level course designed to help develop a strong foundation in anesthetic skills, surgical assisting skills, and perioperative procedures. The course will also teach emergency and critical care nursing skills to assist students in preparing for their credentialing examinations.

VET 161 Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging I

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This is an entry level course created to present the basic principles of radiology, radiology protection for the patient and radiographer, and present the basic concepts of exposing an image. Discussions on quality control measures, properly documenting and labeling images, and how to maintain equipment will also occur.

VET 163 Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging II

Credits: 2

Term: (Su)

Prerequisite: Completion of the first semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This is the second course in veterinary diagnostic imaging designed for students to learn how to expose diagnostic images in a vet practice. This course will build on concepts introduced in Vet Diagnostic Imaging I. Students in this course will focus on practicing safe radiographic techniques that are diagnostic, use proper media contrast, and be introduced to specialized radiographic procedures.

VET 171 Veterinary Pathology & Laboratory Procedures I

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This course is designed to introduce students to basic lab and diagnostic procedures.

VET 173 Veterinary Pathology & Laboratory Procedures II

Credits: 2

Term: (Su)

Prerequisite: Completion of the first semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This is an intermediate course designed to enhance students' lab skills. This course will focus on parasitology. Students will also learn advanced hematological procedures.

VET 201 Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology I

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: After formal acceptance into the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have approved work-based learning location.

Students in this course will learn the fundamentals of comparative anatomy in domestic animal species with an emphasis on identifying anatomical regions and landmarks. General physiology of major body systems in domestic animals will also be discussed.

VET 203 Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II

Credits: 2

Term: (Su)

Prerequisite: Completion of the first semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Students in this course will build on the fundamentals learned in VET 201 of comparative anatomy in domestic animal species. This course will also emphasize identifying anatomical regions and landmarks. General physiology of other major body systems in domestic animals will also be discussed.

VET 213 Veterinary Nursing III

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Upon completion of this clinical experience students will understand patient oral health, all aspects of patient therapeutic husbandry and nutrition, and will execute various nursing techniques.

VET 215 Veterinary Nursing Clinical II

Credits: 1

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

A cumulative course designed to allow students to demonstrate proficiency of the essential nursing skills dictated by the AVMA-CVTEA necessary to function within the scope of practice of a licensed veterinary technician (LVT).

VET 231 Veterinary Pharmacology II

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

This is an intermediate pharmacology course for veterinary technicians designed to teach students how drugs interact and affect the various systems of the body.

VET 233 Veterinary Pharmacology III

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

This is the final pharmacology course for veterinary technicians, designed to teach students how drugs interact and affect the various systems of the body.

VET 241 Laboratory & Exotic Animals

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Upon completion of this intermediate level course students will safely and effectively handle common laboratory animals; become familiar with the basic principles of animal research; gain knowledge of federal, state, and local animal welfare regulations; provide safe and effective care for exotic and small mammal procedures; and safely obtain subjective and objective data to evaluate exotic and small mammals.

VET 251 Veterinary Anesthesia & Surgical Nursing II

Credits: 2

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgical Assisting II is an intermediate course designed to instruct students in the preanesthetic evaluation of patients, the induction of anesthesia, and the monitoring of anesthetized and post-anesthetic patients. This course will also teach emergency and critical care nursing skills to assist students in preparing for their credentialing examinations.

VET 253 Veterinary Anesthesia & Surgical Nursing III

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgical Assisting III is an advanced course designed to instruct students in advanced and interactive preanesthetic evaluations, induction of anesthesia, and the monitoring of anesthesia and postanesthetic patients.

VET 255 Veterinary Anesthesia & Surgical Nursing Clinical

Credits: 1

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgical Assisting Clinical is an advanced level course specifically designed to instruct students in the performance of the required hand-on clinical tasks for veterinary anesthesia and technical surgical assistance. Students will be required to demonstrate specific and required veterinary surgical assistance and peri-anesthetic tasks. This is a requirement for all veterinary technology program students based on ACMA/CVTEA accreditation criteria.

VET 261 Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging III

Credits: 1

Term: (F)

Prerequisite: Completion of the second semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This is the final course in veterinary diagnostic imaging culminating with a clinical assessment. This course will focus on advanced radiographic procedures. Students will also discuss patient positions for large animals. Other imaging procedures used to identify or aid in diagnosing diseases and injuries will also be reviewed, including those used on exotic species.

VET 271 Veterinary Pathology & Laboratory Procedures III

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This is an intermediate course in pathology and lab procedures. In this course, students will perform advanced lab procedures in hematology, cytology, histopathology, blood chemistry, and diagnostic microbiology.

VET 275 Veterinary Pathology & Laboratory Procedures Clinical

Credits: 1

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

This is an advanced level clinical course specifically designed to assess students in the performance of required hands-on clinical tasks for veterinary clinical pathology. Students will be required to document specific and required veterinary clinical pathology tasks. This is a requirement for all veterinary technology program students based on AVMA/CVTEA accreditation criteria. Instructor approval required.

VET 280 Large Animal Nursing

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Upon completion of this intermediate level course students will be able to determine sanitation and disease prevention techniques; correct use, administration, and documentation of medication; and husbandry, nutrition, and dentistry techniques appropriate for large animals. Students will also be able to understand the pathophysiology of common diseases of large animals.

VET 284 Large Animal Nursing Clinical

Credits: 2

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

Corequisite: Must have an approved work-based learning location.

Upon completion of this clinical students will have worked closely with a veterinarian on large animals (cows, horses, and goats/sheep) to demonstrate appropriate sanitation and disease prevention techniques; carry out and perform the appropriate prescribed dental health techniques, create and explain optimal dietary plans; use suitable therapeutic techniques, and provide all aspects of patient care for common surgical procedures.

VET 288 Veterinary Technician National Examination Review

Credits: 1

Term: (S)

Prerequisite: Completion of the third semester of the Veterinary Technician program.

This course provides a forum for students to prepare for the veterinary technician national board association.